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The Fancy

A Selection from the Poetical Remains of the late Peter Corcoran, of Gray's Inn, Student at Law. With a brief memoir of his life [by J. H. Reynolds]

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[Where lilies lie uneasily at rest]

Where lilies lie uneasily at rest
On the sweet silver pillows of the waves,
And every pebble like a pearled guest
At bottom in the streaming water laves;
When willows hang their sea-green drapery
Loose in the wooing airs,—and swans are white
About the coiling brooks, sweet imagery
Of lover's hearts, inseparable and bright;
Where grass is greenest in the loneliest dell,
Fed by the patient sheddings of a spring;
And where the flowers are all unmatchable
In hue and odour—thither would I wing
My happy spirit,—but the Insolvent Court
Keeps me a prisoner still,—and mars one's sport!

This was a favourite poem with Mr. Corcoran. It only wants a meaning to be a perfect sonnet.