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consisting of a tour through parts of North and South Wales, sonnets, odes, and an epistle to a friend on physiognomy. By W. Sotheby

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Let others hail the youthful year, when springs
Loveliest on hill and dale the blooming flow'r;
Or wand'ring where deep woods the path embow'r,
View the warm tints that autumn gradual flings
Upon the foliage of the quiv'ring trees:
Me, nor on hill and dale the flow'rs that blow,
Nor woods in autumn tints that warmly glow,
So charm, as Winter, when the bitter breeze
Mournfully howls along the barren plain;
And falls the flaky snow, and pelting rain
Beats hard the roof: then friends, long absent, crowd
Around my social hearth; now ling'ring keep
Vigils o'er plaintive tales that banish sleep;
Now join in Christmas mirth with laughter loud.