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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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Come here, my laddie, come awa'!
And try your first new breekies on ye;
Weel, weel I like to see you braw,
My ain wee sonsy smiling Johnnie!
Strip aff, strip aff! your bairnish claes,
And be a laddie like your brither,
And gin you're blest wi' health and days,
Ye'll be a pleasure to your mither.
Now rin and look ye in the glass!
And see how braw you're now, and bonnie;
Wha e'er wad think a change o' claes
Could mak' sic change on my wee Johnnie?
You're just your daddy's picture now!
As like as a'e bean's like anither!
And gin ye do like him, I trow,
Ye'll be an honour to your mither.
But upward as ye grow apace,
By truth and right keep ever steady;
And gin life's storms ye whiles maun face,
Aye meet them firmly like your daddy.
If steep and rugged be your way,
Ne'er look behind nor stand and swither!
But set a stout heart to the brae.
And be a comfort to your mither.