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By W. H. Ireland

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Begone! your heart will fickle prove,
For men are faithless, and deceive;
By flatt'ry first you win our love,
Then smile that we your vows believe.
And canst thou doubt my bosom's glow?
Are all my vows but passing air?
Ah! did thy breast such fervor know,
Thou couldst not bid me thus despair.
Why wilt thou seek to steal my heart,
And lull the caution of my soul?
Why tell of Cupid's honey'd dart,
That shaft which reason could control?
And why hast thou such beauties rare?
Why do I such perfection see?
Why in that breast, divinely fair,
Dwells ev'ry charm but love for me?


Ah! could I prove thy breast sincere,
And were thy vows and sighs but true,
I'd banish each corroding fear,
And only live for love and you.