University of Virginia Library


Their post, by dangers compass'd, now may be
Where no observing eye but God's can see,—
Around steep Caucasus, or on the shore
Of ice-bound Greenland, or bleak Labrador;
Or in Columbian Isles (where men with skins
Black as their master's hearts, less black their sins,
Rejoice, with stripes, and sighs and groans opprest,
To hear from you, of Heaven, that world of rest.)
Or they 'mid southern oceans take their stand,
'Mid Afric's dews of death, and burning sand;
In India, where the car-drawn monster rude
Late saw the self-devoted multitude,
Who now, whilst he deplores his honours gone,
Sinks in the mire, with none to help him on!
And thus shall idols vanish, one by one,
Before the opening dawn, the rising sun.