University of Virginia Library


Her Refusal.

Ah weean't be tied te thee, mah lad—
Ah weean't be tied te noan!
Ah sticks te th' loife Ah's allas 'ad,
An' fraames te lig aloan.
Ere's yan 'at gies ma wark an' waage,
An' finnds mah maat an' o:
Wat for sud Ah fling aht o' th' caage
An' gan awaa wi' yo?
Aye, for yo said Ah was a bodd,
An' fit te sing i' t' tree:
A bonny bodd Ah is, mah wodd,
If Ah's te sing for thee!
Naa, lad; Ah sings a bit i' chotch,
An' when Ah's be mesen;
Bud Ah sud nobbut mak a botch,
Te sing wi' oother men.
Ah's noan a bodd, then—nowt o' t' soort!
Ah's joost a sarvant lass:
An' if yo cooms te ma te coort,
Ah laa yo're seechin brass.


Yah—thoo's eerd tell Ah've saaved, naw doot;
An' thoo mun hev a bit!
Thoo'd lahk te seen t'owd stockin foot,
An' coot it dahn te fit.
Naw naw—it's ower big for thee;
It is, a varry deeal:
An' wits is cheap weer Ah cooms frae—
Ah isna sich a feeal.
Ah'll niver scrat an' deah for nowt
Te pleease anoother mon,
An' him a-spendin wat Ah browt,
Wahl ivery penny's gone!
Ah addles waage, Ah keeps mesen—
Ah diz, an' allas will:
For them 'at hes te deah wi' men
Tha' maun ha' trooble still.
Sweethearts! Ah reckons nowt on 'em,
Nor wat tha says te me:
Ah isn't yan te kuss an' clem,
Ah hadn't need te be!
An' Ah weean't ha' tha' for a maate;
Saw noo, Be off, Ah saa!
Ah's ower throng te stan' at gaate
An' this eawr weshin daa.