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Return'd already? Sure, I thought to-day
Given to fond epitaphs on joys self-slain.
The inconvenient husband, was he home
Too soon for moral lie-abeds? But say,
How fares the fair Bianca? Lost in tears,
Rain of Love's Morning after a close night?
—Are you a gentleman?
—Well, it may be.
—I pray you then repeat no more her name
Coupled with my desires.
—Shifts the wind so?
Cupid! a most proud lover! Now, I'll bet
She has jilted you at last. 'Tis so, 'tis so.
A little dreg of virtue left in the flask,
Has spoil'd a night-draught. She would yet will not.
And hesitating, opportunity
Has sent you back: the husband none the worse.
—You're slow to take my meaning.
—So, you ask
Am I a gentleman? And your good friend.
I would be sorry too, but your mishap
You have not told me. Only by your looks,


Which intimate you have not been quite in luck.
Why, man! you can but try again and have.
Another night—
—I pray you, Sir! have done.
A virtuous lady—
—Very good, i' faith.
A virtuous lady (most respectful phrase)
Stays you in the antechamber of her hope.
We know the angler's craft.
—Peace! peace! your thought
Is slanderous, false as Hell. That lady's soul
Is spotless.
—You were disappointed then.
Pshaw, man! she does but hold you off, the more
To contemplate your longing. She is like
The rest of them.
—By the All-living Truth,
If you repeat that, I will write it false
In your heart's blood. Draw, and defend yourself!
—Not I, against a madman baulk'd in love.
The woman's chaste because she bids him wait.
Well, some of us are fools. I can but laugh.
And so, Good-morning and next time more speed!