University of Virginia Library


[Oh, the joy, half shame, of waking]

Oh, the joy, half shame, of waking
From the heats & chills of passion
To the light of love unfevered,
Glowing as the sun in heaven!
As one waking from a madness,
Or from wine within him working,
Half-remembering and shame-faced
In remembrance, sorely wonders
At his own unfaith and weakness:
As the mariner emerging
From the cloudy mist to clearness
And the starry heaven to steer by:
So from blinding mists of madness
Gerard woke, with joy returning
To his light-abandoned love-star.
As a dream of empty sweetness
Seemed the memory of Clarisse,
Worthless, not to be regarded
In broad day, with life in living
And true love from heaven shining.