University of Virginia Library



Not a care hath Marion Lee,
Dwelling by the sounding sea!
Her young life's a flowery way:—
Without toil from day to day,
Without bodings for the morrow—
Marion was not made for sorrow!
Like the summer-billows wild
Leaps the happy-hearted child;
Sees her father's fishing-boat
O'er the waters gaily float;
Hears her brother's fishing-song
On the light gale borne along!
Half a league she hears the lay,
Ere they turn into the bay,
And with glee, o'er cliff and main,
Sings an answer back again,


Which by man and boy is heard,
Like the carol of a bird.
Look! she sitteth laughing there,
Wreathing sea-weed in her hair:
Saw ye e'er a thing so fair?
Marion, some are rich in gold,
Heaped-up treasure-stores untold;
Some in thought sublime, refined,
And the glorious wealth of mind;
Thou, sweet child, life's rose unblown,
Hast a treasure of thine own—
Youth's most unalloyed delights,
Happy days and tranquil nights;
Hast a brain, with thought unvexed;
A heart untroubled, unperplexed!
Go, thou sweet one, all day long,
Like a glad bird, pour thy song;
And let thy young, graceful head
Be with sea-flowers garlanded;
For all outward signs of glee
Well befit thee, Marion Lee!