University of Virginia Library

1. [The first Part.]


Break out ye Saints with joy and sing,
to the Eternal King;
The Angels do blest Tidings bring,
Hosannah in the highest.


In Bethlehem the Babe is born,
cease, cease, your bitter Mourn,
Your Sorrow now to Singing turn,
Hosannah in the highest.


He's come, he's come, O happy Day!
dark Shadows fly away,
The Substance's come to Christ I say,
Hosannah in the highest.


See how the Cherubs clap their Wings,
the Glor'us Host now sings;
Th'Eternal Day, see how it springs!
Hosannah in the highest.


Behold the Lord Baptiz'd by John,
and what a Glory shone!
The Father says, This is my Son!
Hosannah in the highest.


He's come, he's come-down from above,
full of Eternal Love;
And also sealed by the Dove,
Hosannah in the highest.


The Dumb do speak, the Blind do see,
the Dead they raised be;


And Lepers cleans'd of Leprosie,
Hosannah in the highest.


He Preaches with Authority,
God's Kingdom doth draw nigh,
And pardons all Iniquity,
Hosannah in the highest.


Behold him now beset with Grief,
Angels bring him Relief,
They him adore because he's chief,
Hosannah in the highest.


Behold him in his Agony,
our sins on him did ly,
God's Justice he did satisfie,
Hosannah in the highest.


Behold him now upon the Tree;
he cry'd in Miserie,
Oh! Why hast thou forsaken me?
Hosannah in the highest.


Ah! hear him make most bitter Moan,
hearken to his last Groan;
For now for us his Life is gone,
Hosannah in the highest.