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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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3. On Ability.
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3. On Ability.

Man can do nothing of himself, unless
God give him leave, 'tis wisdom to express
If God so please, to morrow we'l pursue
Such and such things. Once a presumptuous Jew
Said thus t'his friends, to morrow Ile be blest
And crown'd with mirth, the Bridal-chamber drest
Resolv'd Lam, to frolick out the day
With my fair Bride, and who dare say me nay?
And when 'tis night, I do intend to meet,
My Souls delight, within the Genial Sheet;
I will, I will, whether God will or no:
Blasphemous wretch! to morrow gone, both go
To bed, but lo! before the Game was vy'd,
Death struck the jovial Bridegroom and his Bride.