University of Virginia Library


Epigrams from the Greek.

Blest he who sees; who hears thee, trebly blest;
Thy kiss is Paradise: and Heaven the rest.
To make the boy a scholar, to my care
An advertising Doctor gave his heir.
We got to Homer; and “that wrath, the spring
“Of woes unnumbered,” soon he learnt to sing;
Then in due course “To Pluto's gloomy reign
“Hurl'd many a gallant soul untimely slain.”
But now he came no longer. In the street
It shortly was my luck the sire to meet:
And “Thanks, my friend,” he cried, “but, to be free,
“What you were teaching he may learn of me.
“I, ere their time, hurl many a soul below;
“Yet not one word of Homer need to know.”