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TO A Young LADY Sitting at her GLASS.

To touch the Canvass with the nicest Art,
To make it glow with Life in ev'ry Part;
To bid the blended Colours fall, and rise,
To melt the Soul with ev'ry soft Surprise;
For This great Kneller rose up into Fame,
Such was his Talent, such may be his Claim:
'Tis Yours, bright Nymph, in ev'ry Art to please,
With Grace untaught, and a becoming Ease:
To move the ready Passions, as you will,
To melt with Softness, or with Frowns to kill.


Kneller's nice Art could fill the Soul with Love,
But you can make the lovely Image move;
See! how it waits your high Commands the while,
Frowns, when you frown, and gives you Smile for Smile;
Whene'er you bid it share an equal Part,
Act o'er each Thought, and talk the flowing Heart,
The Lips in Sympathetick Language move,
Sigh all your Sighs, and speak the tender'st Love.
Unnumber'd Victims at your Toilet Die,
Struck by the keen Reflection of your Eye.