University of Virginia Library


'Tis Vanity to wish for length of days;
The art of living well is wise men's praise.
If death, not length of life, engag'd our view,
Life would be happier, and death happier too .
Nature foreshows our death: 'Tis God's decree;
The King, the insect dies; and so must We.


What's natural, and common to us all,
What's necessary;—none should evil call.
Check thy fond love of life, and human pride;
Shall man repine at death, when Christ has dy'd?

This and the following passages marked with a note of reference are extracted almost verbatim from Kempis's Book of the Imitation of Christ. Lib. I, C. 1, 2. See also Lib. I, C. 19. 23.