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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Venus lamenting her lost Adonis.
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Venus lamenting her lost Adonis.

Wake my Adonis

Wake my Adonis, do not die, one life's enough for thee and I; where are thy looks, thy wiles thy fears, thy frowns, thy smiles? alas, in vain I call, one death hath snatcht them all; yet death's not deadly in that face death in those looks it self hath grace; 'twas this, 'twas this I fear'd, when thy pale ghost appear'd, this I presag'd, when thundering Jove tore the best Mirtle in my grove, when my sick rose buds lost their smel, & from my temples untoucht fell, and 'twas for some such thing, my Dove first hung her wing. Whither art thou my Deity gone?


Venus in Venus there is none: in vain a godess now am I, only to grieve and not to die: but I wil love my grief, make tears my tears relief, and sorrow shall to me a new Adonis be: And this the fates shan't rob me of whilst I a godess am to grieve and not to die.