![]() | Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Herculas Oetaeus | ![]() |
Theseus, Nutrix,
A stubburne heart and obstinate in Phȩdras breast doth dwell,
With despret mind to stay her selfe our teares she doth despyse,
And giuing vp the gasping Ghoast, alas my Lady dyes.
Why should she kill herselfe? why die, hir spouse being come againe?
For this (my Lord) with hasty death she would her selfe haue slaine.
These troblous wordes some perlous thing I wot not what to tell
Speake plain: what lumpe of glutting griefe her laded heart doth quel?
She doth complayne her case to none, but pensiuely and sad
She keepes it secrete to hir selfe, determind thus shee had,
To beare aboute with her the bane, wherewith she meanes to die.
Hie, hie thee fast, I pray thee now, now haue wee neede to hye.
Our Pallace lockt with stately stoulpes set open by and by.
length I scapt the glowinge glades of grim eternall Night,
And eake the vnderpropping poale, that each infernall Spright
Doth muffle in, shut vp in shades loe how my dazelled eyes
Can scant abyde the long desired light of Marble Skies.
Eleusis now fowre offringes of Triptolemus deuydes,
And counterpaysed Day with Night now foure tymes Libra hydes.
I earnest in my Parlous toyle in doubt what lucke to haue
Twixt dread of gastly Death, and hope my feeble life to saue,
Some sparke of life stil in my breahles limmes abyding was,
When as embarkt on erkesome Stix Alcides downe did passe,
To succour me in dire distresse, who when the hellicke hound
From Tartares griesly gates in Chaynes he dragd aboue the ground,
And also me he caryed vp into the World agayne
My tyred limmes doth sappy pith of former strength restrayne,
My feble faltring legges do quake, what lugging toyle it was
From bottom deepe of Phlegethon to world aloofe to passe?
What dreary dole & mourning noyse is this that beates myne eares?
Let some declare it vnto mee: who blubbred so with teares
Lamenting loud and languishing within our gates appeares?
This entertaynment fit is for a guest that comes from Hell.
And eake the vnderpropping poale, that each infernall Spright
Doth muffle in, shut vp in shades loe how my dazelled eyes
Can scant abyde the long desired light of Marble Skies.
Eleusis now fowre offringes of Triptolemus deuydes,
And counterpaysed Day with Night now foure tymes Libra hydes.
I earnest in my Parlous toyle in doubt what lucke to haue
Twixt dread of gastly Death, and hope my feeble life to saue,
Some sparke of life stil in my breahles limmes abyding was,
When as embarkt on erkesome Stix Alcides downe did passe,
To succour me in dire distresse, who when the hellicke hound
From Tartares griesly gates in Chaynes he dragd aboue the ground,
And also me he caryed vp into the World agayne
My tyred limmes doth sappy pith of former strength restrayne,
My feble faltring legges do quake, what lugging toyle it was
From bottom deepe of Phlegethon to world aloofe to passe?
What dreary dole & mourning noyse is this that beates myne eares?
Let some declare it vnto mee: who blubbred so with teares
Lamenting loud and languishing within our gates appeares?
This entertaynment fit is for a guest that comes from Hell.
A stubburne heart and obstinate in Phȩdras breast doth dwell,
With despret mind to stay her selfe our teares she doth despyse,
And giuing vp the gasping Ghoast, alas my Lady dyes.
Why should she kill herselfe? why die, hir spouse being come againe?
For this (my Lord) with hasty death she would her selfe haue slaine.
These troblous wordes some perlous thing I wot not what to tell
Speake plain: what lumpe of glutting griefe her laded heart doth quel?
She keepes it secrete to hir selfe, determind thus shee had,
To beare aboute with her the bane, wherewith she meanes to die.
Hie, hie thee fast, I pray thee now, now haue wee neede to hye.
Our Pallace lockt with stately stoulpes set open by and by.
![]() | Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Herculas Oetaeus | ![]() |