University of Virginia Library

Sune when þe maire had herd þis thing,
twa hundreth men he bad forth bring,
and armed þam fra top to ta,
and bad þam with þe Prior ga
and baldely do what he wald bid.
and als he demid right so þai did.
(Þe prior þan bad þam al) bidene
þat þai sulde be schreuen clene
and here mes with deuocioune,
and seþen baldli mak þam boune.
And of Requiem he sang a mes—
for cristen saules it ordand es;
and þarin made minde of Gy
and prayed for him ful specialli,
and þat god suld gif þam grace
forto haue knawing in þat case;
and efter mes þan wald howseld he
al þe men þat wald howseld be,
for þat þe fende suld þam noght fere
ne in þaire dedes do þam no dere.
Þe prior þan ful preuely
in a buste toke goddes body
vnder his gere with gude entent—
bot no man wist þat with him went.
He and þe men and þe maisters twa
to Gies hows þan gan þai ga,
and þe wife went with þam in-fere,
sighand with ful simpil chere.
Þe armed men þan ordand he
al obout þe hows to be
wele vmset on ilka side,
to se what auentures wald bitide,
sum in window, and sum in dore,
with wapins þat war strang & store,
and sum in gardines gert he lig,


& sum in bretice obout þe rig;
and euer in ilka place thre,
in takining of þe trinite.
and when þai war þus sett obout,
þe prior bad þam haue no dout.
He enterd þan in þat place,
and his twa breþer with him gase,
and þir wordes þan he saide in hi: