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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Aliud mirabile. Martinus in cronicis suis.

He that made Rome, as rede I,
Romulus þen heȝt he,
sumtime raiset realy
his image vp in þat cite.


How he shuld hause thing so heuy
bout heuenly help, as then did he,
wonder hit was gret witerly
and qvi I say sone ȝe shun se.
ffor hit was herre fiftene feete
then þe heghest plas in Rome,
Alle men honouret, I ȝou heete,
that image that biside hit come.
Opon a hegh piler stode hit
of ston al hole with-out twynnyng,
that wondir hit was to monnus witt
quat craft raiset so heuy a thyng.
As gold hit shone both nyȝt & day,
And with þe sunne hit was meuyng,
the image his face hit turnet ay
towarde the sunne on hit shynyng,
In þe riȝt honde in gode aray
A rounde sercle forth-shewyng,
In þe lift honde stout & gay
A long sworde in honde manassyng.
That sercle tokenet, as rede I,
that al þe world was holly his,
And to Rome shuld be ay redy
that hede & souerayn cite is.
The sworde tokenet truly
that Rome shuld manas þat did mys,
And wer wel & worthily
that thay hade wonen bifore I-wys.
When Romulus hade sett hit there,
he saide hit shuld neuer falle doun
til a wench that maiden wer
to ber a childe wer redy boun.


But þat selue day I-wys
that Crist was born of our lady,
As he saide, felle doun al this,
so was fulfillede his prophecy.

Aliud mirabile. Eutropius.

Also quen that Crist was born,
the ox & asse doun knelyng
honouret God þer hom biforn,
And haden in hor kynde fulle knowyng
That hor creatour was þer,
wonder is then but men of witt
shulden bysy be his birth to her,
sithen boystouse bestis honouret hit.
Ȝet wer miracles mony mo
showet in diuerse place,
As I shal showe ȝou er I go
After this pagyn a littel space.
But now of clerkis wys tretys
touchyng Cristes natiuite
Speke of now is myn auys,
And as thay sayn now ȝe shul se.