University of Virginia Library

10. A Salutacion of Our Lady


Univ. Libr., Ff.2.38, fol. 31v.

Here endyþ the seuene salmes & begynneþ a salutacion of oure lady
Heyle fairest þat euyr god fonde
Heyle modyr & mayden free
Heyle floure of Josep wonde
Heyle the fruyt of yesse
Heyle blossome our bale vn bonde
Mannes boote was borne of thee
Oure beleeue in the can stonde
Whan cryste was on þe roode tree
Heyle roose on ryse heyle lyllye
Heyle semelyest & swettest sauour
Heyle prynces of hygh pytee
Heyle blessyd fruyt swete floure


Heyle tabernacle þere truþe can telde
Heyle garden þere grasse can spryng
Heyle braunche þere blysse can bylde
Heyle goodnesse euyr growyng
Heyle youþe þat neuer schall eelde
Heyle bewte euyr dewryng
Heyle scheltrim schouris to shelde
Heyle bryghtnes euyr schynyng
Heyle worþy flesche neuyr fadyng
Heyle charytes paramour
Heyle lyfe and lustys lykyng
Heyle blessed mary þat bare þe floure
Heyle quene of heuene blys
Heyle lady of þys worlde wyde
Heyle of helle the emparys
Heyle feller of the fendys pryde
Heyle the yoye of blessydnesse
Heyle the welle of heuene wyde
Heyle of all aungelys goodnesse
Heyle floure fayre on euery syde
The desyre þat prophetys can abyde
Heyle systyr of oure senyoure
Pardon þorow whom ys cryedd
Heyle fruyt þat bare oure sauyoure
Ryght as the floure fresche of hewe
In fayrenesse passeth with owt wene
So vyrgynes of vertues trewe
Thou passest all that han ben
And boþe þe oolde lawe & the newe
In youre selfe they ben seene
Ther was neuer noon þat man knewe
That kepte þem so as y may meene
Heyle day sterre sauyour schene
Heyle dere delycyous odoure
Heyle rygall rubyes betweene
Heyle blessyd fruyt swete floure


God hys sone to þe he sende
Wyth heyle mary full of grace
Thys worlde may not comprehende
How of thy body bore he was
Heyle medycyne beste may mende
Heyle comfort to nedy and solas
Heyle tapur that euyr ys/ tende
Heyle laumpe þat lyghteneþ in eche place
Heyle fayrest feture of face
Heyle troone of heuene toure
Heyle mercyfull with owt manace
Heyle blessyd fruyt swete floure
Heyle olyue heyle vertuouse
Heyle roose with owten any thorne
Heyle grounde moost gracyous
Heyle bryght sonne on somers morne
Heyle goodely glade hayle gloryouse
Heyle herte þat with þe swerd was schorne
Heyle Josephs wyfe with thy spouse
Youre owne broþer ye han borne
Was neuyr noon syþen ne beforne
A modur with maydenys honoure
Heyle heele to þem þat ben borne
Heyle blessyd fruyt swete floure
Heyle saluyng of seyntys in heuene
Aungels patryerkys and profete
Heyle postlys and martyrs steuene
Confessouris and vyrgyns swete
All þat was made in dayes seuene
The honouryþ þankyþ and grete
Whan hyllys and dalys schullen be euene
And body and soule to gedre mete
Whan cryste schall schewe hys Woundys Wete
Than marye be oure maynpernoure
That we in heuene mowe haue a sete
And dwelle with the blessyd floure