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The hundred and fourth Psalme.

Lyuing Lord my soule shall praise thy glory triumphant,
Sing thy matchles might, and shew thine infinit honnor.
Euerlasting light thou putst on like as a garment,
And purple-mantled welkyn thou spreadst as a courtayne:
Thy parlor pillers on waters strangely be pitched,
Clowdes are thy charyots, and blustring wyndes be thy coursers,
Immortal Spyrits be thy euer-dutiful Harrolds,
And consuming fires, as seruants dayly be wayting.
All-maintaining earths foundation euer abydeth
Layd by the Lords right-hand, with seas and deeps as a garment
Cou'red; seaes and deepes with threatning waues to the huge hills
Clyming; but, with a beck theyr billowes speedily backward
All doe recoyle; with a check their course is changd on a soddaine;
At thy thundring voyce they quake: And soe doe the mountaines
Mount vpward with a woord; and soe alsoe doe the valleys.
Downe with a woord discend, and keepe their places apoynted:
Theyr meares are fixed, theyr bancks are mightily barred,
Theyr bounds knowne, least that, man-feeding earth by the rage of
Earth-ouerwhelming waters might chaunce to be drowned.
Stil-springing fountaines distil fro the rocks to the ryuers,
And christall riuers flow ouer along by the mountaines:
There will wylde asses theyr scorched mouthes be refreshing,
And field-feeding beasts theyr thirst with water abating.
There by the wel-welling waters, by the syluer-abounding
Brookes, fayre-flying fowles on flowring bancks be abyding,
There shall sweete-beckt byrds theyr bowres in bows be a building,
And to the waters fall theyr warbling voyce be a tuning.
Yea those sun-burnt hills, and mountains all to be scorched,
Cooling clowds doe refresh, and watery dewe fro the heauens.
Earth sets forth thy woorks, earth-dwellers all be thy wonders:
Earth earth-dwelling beasts with flowring grasse is a feeding;
Earth earth-dwelling men with pleasant hearbes is a seruing.
Earth brings harts-ioy wine, earth-dwelling men to be hartning,
Earth breedes chearing oyles, earth-dwelling man to be smoothing,
Earth beares lifes-foode bread, earth-dwelling men to be strengthning,
Tall trees, vp-mounting Cedars are chearefuly springing,

Cedars of Libanus, where fowles theyr neasts be preparing;
And Storkes in Firr-trees make their accustomed harbors.
Wylde goates, doaes, and roaes dooe roue and range by the mountains,
And poore seelly conyes to the ragged rocks be repayring.
Night-enlightning Moone for certaine tymes is apoynted,
And all-seeing Sunne knows his due tyme to be sitting
Sunne once soe sitting, darck night wraps all in a mantle
All in a black mantle: then beasts creepe out fro the dungeons,
Roaring hungry Lions theyr pray with greedy deuouring
Clawes and iawes attend, but by Gods only apoyntment:
When Sunne riseth againe, theyr dens they quickly recouer,
And there couch all day: that man may safely the day time
His dayes woorke apply, til day giue way to the darknes.
O good God, wise Lord, good Lord, and only the wise God,
Earth sets foorth thy woorks, earth-dwellers all be thy wonders.
Soe be seaes alsoe, greate seaes, full fraught with aboundant
Swarms of creeping things, great, small: there, shipps be a sayling,
And there lyes tumbling, that monsterus huge Leuiathan.
All these begg theyr foode, and all these on thee be wayting;
If that thou stretch out thyne hand, they feede with aboundance,
If thou turne thy face, they all are mightily troubled;
If that thou withdraw their breath, they dye in a moment,
And turne quickly to dust, whence they were lately deriued,
If thy spirite breathe, their breath is newly created,
And the decayed face of th'earth is quickly reuiued.
O then, glory to God, to the Lord then, glory for euer,
Whoe in his owne great woorks may worthily glory for euer.
This Lord lookes to the earth, and steedfast earth is a trembling,
This God toutcheth mounts, and mountains huge be a smoaking.
All my life wil I lawd this Lord; whylst breath is abyding
In my breast, this breath his praise shall stil be a breathing.
Heare my woords, my Lord, accept this dutiful offring,
That my soule in thee may euermore be reioycing;
Roote the malignant race, race out theyr damnable offpring;
But my soule, ô Lord shall praise thy glory triumphant,
Sing thy matchles might, and shew thyne infinit honnor.