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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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A prayer vnto Almightie God, to preuent, prepare, and dispose our hearts rightly, vnto prayer.
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A prayer vnto Almightie God, to preuent, prepare, and dispose our hearts rightly, vnto prayer.

Lord teach me how to pray.
Luke 11. 1. Verse.


O louing God and Father deere,
I humbly thee beseech & pray,
For Iesus sake my prayers heare,
and harken what my soule shall say.


My heart & thoughts, Lord sanctifie,
thine holy spirit inspire within mee:
Mee from corruptions mundifie,
and let thy louing mercies win me.

Psa. 51. 2.


Oh let me aske and haue of thee,
let me by faith my suite obtaine:

Luke. 51. 9.


Mat. 7. 7. 21. 22. 11. 24.

Thy louing fauour shew to mee,

all other fauour is but vaine.


Iohn. 14. 13 Iam. 1. 5. 4 Mat. 6. 13 Luke. 11. 4 22. 4.

Restraine my vaine imaginations,

preuent by grace Sathans intrusions,
Let not him taint my cogitations,
nor blind mine eies with false illusions.


1. Peet. 5. 5. 8.

Which are th'nticements & the baites,

of that great ghostly enemy,
That still for worldlings seekes & waites:
within which rancke, poore wretch am I.


John. 3. 5. 6. 7.

But as my mouth and lipps haue said,

wordes of a faithfull seruant true,
So let my soule of Christ craue ayde,
with inward spirit to liue a new.


Eph. 5. 16. Collo. 4. 5.

For now my poore soule is a-fraide,

and time mispent alasse I rewe,
To thee I run imploreing ayde:
within me do thy spirit renue.


Iohn. 20. 27. 28.

O Lord I see the bloudy woundes,

of thy sweete sonne my Sauiour,
I see thy mercies there aboundes:
and promised by thy fauour.


Iam. 5. 16. 17.

And therefore I by sinfull deedes,

that er'st liu'd carelesse in dispaire,


Do fly vnto those woundes that bleedes:
& plucke down grace by force of praier


Oh in that grace graunt me to liue,
and in that grace grant me to die,

Eph. 2. 8. 9. Iohn. 1. 17

And when I die, Lord grace me giue,
to reigne with thee perpetualy.