The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule Set foorth by Sir William Leighton |
A prayer vnto Almightie God, to preuent,
prepare, and dispose our hearts rightly, vnto prayer. |
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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule | ||
A prayer vnto Almightie God, to preuent, prepare, and dispose our hearts rightly, vnto prayer.
Lord teach me how to pray.
Luke 11. 1. Verse.
Luke 11. 1. Verse.
O louing God and Father deere,I humbly thee beseech & pray,
For Iesus sake my prayers heare,
and harken what my soule shall say.
My heart & thoughts, Lord sanctifie,thine holy spirit inspire within mee:
Mee from corruptions mundifie,
and let thy louing mercies win me.
Oh let me aske and haue of thee,let me by faith my suite obtaine:
all other fauour is but vaine.
Restraine my vaine imaginations,preuent by grace Sathans intrusions,
Let not him taint my cogitations,
nor blind mine eies with false illusions.
Which are th'nticements & the baites,of that great ghostly enemy,
That still for worldlings seekes & waites:
within which rancke, poore wretch am I.
But as my mouth and lipps haue said,wordes of a faithfull seruant true,
So let my soule of Christ craue ayde,
with inward spirit to liue a new.
For now my poore soule is a-fraide,and time mispent alasse I rewe,
To thee I run imploreing ayde:
within me do thy spirit renue.
O Lord I see the bloudy woundes,of thy sweete sonne my Sauiour,
I see thy mercies there aboundes:
and promised by thy fauour.
And therefore I by sinfull deedes,that er'st liu'd carelesse in dispaire,
& plucke down grace by force of praier
The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule | ||