The third and last booke of songs or aires Newly composed to sing to the Lute, Orpharion, or viols, and a dialogue for a base and meane Lute with fiue voices to sing thereto |
I. |
II. |
III. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
IX. |
X. |
XI. | XI.
XII. |
XV. |
XVI. |
XIX. |
XX. |
XXI. |
The third and last booke of songs or aires | ||
[Lend your eares to my sorrow]
Lend your eares to my sorrow
Good people that haue any pitie:
For no eyes wil I borow
Mine own shal grace my doleful ditty:
Chant then my voice though rude like to my riming,
And tell foorth my griefe which here
In sad despaire can find no ease of tormenting.
Good people that haue any pitie:
For no eyes wil I borow
Mine own shal grace my doleful ditty:
Chant then my voice though rude like to my riming,
And tell foorth my griefe which here
In sad despaire can find no ease of tormenting.
Once I liu'd, once I knew delight,
No griefe did shadowe then my pleasure:
Grac'd with loue, cheer'd with beauties sight,
I ioyed alone true heau'nly treasure,
O what a heau'n is loue firmely embraced,
Such power alone can fixe delight
In Fortunes bosome euer placed.
No griefe did shadowe then my pleasure:
Grac'd with loue, cheer'd with beauties sight,
I ioyed alone true heau'nly treasure,
O what a heau'n is loue firmely embraced,
Such power alone can fixe delight
In Fortunes bosome euer placed.
Cold as Ice frozen is that hart,
Where thought of loue could no time enter:
Such of life reape the poorest part
Whose weight cleaues to this earthly center,
Mutuall ioies in hearts truly vnited
Doe earth to heauenly state conuert
Like heau'n still in it selfe delighted.
Where thought of loue could no time enter:
Such of life reape the poorest part
Whose weight cleaues to this earthly center,
Mutuall ioies in hearts truly vnited
Doe earth to heauenly state conuert
Like heau'n still in it selfe delighted.
The third and last booke of songs or aires | ||