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The Court of Conscience or Dick Whippers Sessions

With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked, and vitious liuers in this age. By Richard West

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Charitable Benefactor.
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Charitable Benefactor.

Thou which with pitty in thy heart art moued,
Towards the needy soule with care oppressed,
Thou blest of God, of earthly men beloued,
For helping of the Orphan so distressed.
Comforting widdowes, saluing sick-mans sore,
Aiding the simple, with fall of thy store.
Not as a greedy mizer which doth hoord,
All in his cofers till his day of dying.
And at the last like cormorant absurd,
Is forced to distribute bed-rid lying.
But art with willing heart in readinesse,
Apt to redresse the poore mans needinesse.
We want thy helping hand to ayde vs here,
Being in place appointed for redresse
Of impious wrongs against the country deare:
Heauen graunt vs fauour, fortune, and successe
To prime away the foggie mowldring mosse,
Ore-growing fruitfull tree with filthy drosse.
Spend now some time to honor of thy Lord,
The countries wealth, and subiects peacefull liuing?
In heauen thou shalt be paid, thy whole reward,
Thou shalt haue peoples praises and thanksgiuing.
With worldly wealth the Lord hath thee endued,
When by himselfe the wicked were pursued.