University of Virginia Library

A Panigerick

Composed on the meritorious Name of the most accomplished Mr. GEORGE SLAUGHTER.

Greatness and goodness that but seldom do
Enter into one man, are both in you;
One single heart, at one time doth inherit
(Rightfully to) one great, and oue good spirit:
Graceful in all your actions, you are what
Every gallant man should imitate.
Slaughter and Mercy in one Man agree,
Love mixt with strength, valour with curtesie:
And may you nere be thought a Ladies friend
Unless you use them to a noble end:
Go forth and prosper, may you alwayes be
Happy in Love; and in Hostilitie.
Truth guide your will, Reality your thought,
Errors in Love and Loyalty are naught:
Return victorious, and may nothing prove
Repugnant to your Valour and your Love