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I. D. In prayse of Gascoigne and his Posies.

If Virgill how to till the Earth, to every man doth tell,
And Galen he in Phisicks arte doth many men excell,
If Poets olde deserven prayse, by paynting out aright,
The frutes of vice, as Ovid doth, and many mo that wright,
By learned skill of many things: If such exalt their name,
And for their hyre, deserved prayse by trumpe of Ladie Fame:
Why should the Authour of this booke then leese his due desart,
Sith he so freendly here to us, hath shewed his skilfull arte?
The healthsome herbs and flowers sweet, frō weedes he hath divided,
The fruits of Gives in prison strōg he hath right wel decided.
Of warres also, and warriours to, even like a Martiall knight,
He hath discourst, and shewed the lottes, that thereupon do light:
Virgill is dead, and Galen gone, with Poets many more:
Yet workes of theirs be still alive, and with us kept in store.
This Authour lives, and Gascoigne hights, yet once to die most sure,
Alas the while that worthie wightes may not alwayes endure,
But workes of his among the best, for ever more shall rest,
When he in heaven shall take a place prepared for the blest.