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ELEGIA. 11. Napen alloquitur, vt parat as tabellas ad Corinnam perferat.
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ELEGIA. 11. Napen alloquitur, vt parat as tabellas ad Corinnam perferat.

In skilfull gathering ruffled haires in order,
Nape free-borne whose cunning hath no border,
Thy seruice for nights scapes is knowne commodious,
And to giue sighes dull wit is odious.
Corinna clips me oft by thy perswasion,
Neuer to harme me made thy faith euasion,
Receiue these lines, them to my Mistresse carry,
Be sedulous, let no stay cause thee tarry,
Nor flint, nor iron, are in thy soft brest,
But pure simplicity in thee doth rest.
And t'is suppos'd loues bow hath wounded thee,
Defend the ensignes of thy warre in me.
If, what I do, she askes, say hope for night,
The rest my hand doth in my letters write.

Time passeth while I speake, giue her my writ
But see that forth-with shee peruseth it.
I charge thee marke her eyes and front in reading
By speechlesse lookes we guesse at things succeeding.
Straight being read, will her to write much back,
I hate faire Paper should writte matter lack.
Let her make verses and some blotted letter,
On the last edge to stay mine eyes the better.
What need she try her hand to hold the quill
Let this word, come, alone the tables fill.
Then with triumphant laurell will I grace them
And in the midst of Venus temple place them.
Subscribing that to her I consecrate,
My faithfull tables being vile maple late.