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Scillaes Metamorphosis: Enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus

VVhereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre: with sundrie other most absolute Poems and Sonnets. Contayning the detestable tyrannie of Disdaine, and Comicall triumph of Constancie: Verie fit for young Courtiers to peruse, and coy Dames to remember. By Thomas Lodge

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[The heauens inclinde to change, are passing cleere]

The heauens inclinde to change, are passing cleere,
Their showres restraind make billowes of mine eies,
Their windes made calme within my breast appeere,
Which dims the aire with sighs and heauie cries.
My frozen loue hath laid the frost adowne,
These snowes restraind serue to congeale my heart,
This pleasant spring my stormie sorrowes frowne:
Goe lying bookes, cease fooles to boast your art,
And marke the cause: my Mistres smiles and lowres
Makes cleere the heauens, & clowdes my heart with showers.