University of Virginia Library

The explanation of the Frontispice.

A Levite in his journey goes
To wicked Gibeah for repose,
VVhich is deny'd, but having found
Another lodging then the ground,
(Such is th'unkindnesse of their sinne)
They make a prison of his Inne.
From whence he shall not issue free,
But by his wifes Adultery,
So when from thence to hast he minds,
Her dead before the doore he finds,
VVhen to expresse their crime, and make
The villaines at their owne guilt quake,
Into twelve pieces he divides
The body that was once his Brides,
Now Gibeah is besieg'd, and though
They twice have giv'n the overthrow
Unto their betters, yet at length
They finde Vice hath no lasting strength:
For now their town's as hot as their Desire,
And as they burnt in Lust, so that in fire.