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Galathea, answers to Pamphilus.

Galathea, answers to Pamphilus.

You, nor na man, I sall forbid, I say,
To cum or gang, or yit his speich to spair,
Ilk traueller hes a richt gait and a way,
In sic parts quhair, it happins him to repair:
It is maist decent, for a maiden fair,
Vnto the askers answer, to reply,
A Damisell may do this meikill mair,
On ony young man, till incall or cry,
For to confes the truth, I thinke no schame,
Of you, nor na mans cumming I take cure,
Prouiding, that my honour and gud name,
From spot and blot, may be preseruit sure:
To heir and se, It settis I you assure,

And to make answer, quhen young men inquires,
This wald be done, with countenance demure,
And moderat maner, as the caus requires.
With mocking wourdis, gif ye impeche my eir,
Like speich again, to you I will present,
In ony thing, gif I haue hurt you heir,
To make ane mends; I sall be weill content:
To be alone, howbeid, your will be bent,
That I refuse, and thairfoir speik na mair,
It is not decent, we twa suld frequent,
In ony part, quhair na man makis repair.
In secreit parts, my conference to seik,
A sclanderous fame, sall rise from that effect,
Bot in the peoples presence gif I speik,
Ye knaw your selfe, I will be les suspect.