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The third Sestyad.
The Argument
One of the Family of LoveWith an Antinomian meets
And divers questions they do move
Not parting without threats.
Amor omnia vincit, 'twas that which mov'd
God for to come on earth, because he lov'd
The sons of men, tis love that all creates
Tis love that men and creatures propogates
Did men but know the sweet society
We do enjoy are of loves family
They would reject their burthensome Estate
And make themselves with us Incorporate,
How many Queenes, and princesses of might
To be made one of us, have tane delight,
As Messalina, Cleopatra, She
Romes vulgar honour as a Dietie
Lais and Thais, O Ime ravished
To think upon the pleasant Lectures read
To us, when we in full Assembly met,
The sisters on the brothers laps being set
Nothing but love our harmelesse souls desire
With love, each of our hearts is set on fire
This love we cherish, by all wayes we may
For tis not good our loves should ought decay
Eringoes tatoes, and such toyish fare,
And this we do, to preserve love in us
For sine Cerere & Bacho, friget Venus.
My eares are blister'd; O what have I heard
And art thou not thou beast at all afeard
Of Hell, or thinkst thou the Almighty sleeps
Why he a bedrole of thy basenesse keeps
And will take vengeance on thee that dost make
Religion cloak thy evills.
Dost thou take
In hand sin to reprove, whose sins are such
That of thy blasphemies, there cant too much
Be spoken, thou deniest, the Law was given
To be mans Rule, although the Lord from heaven
Girt in bright flames, with awfull Majesty
The while the Trumpet founded from on hie
Denounced Death, to him the same should break
And yet you dare with boldnesse for to speak
And to divulge, you from the Law are freed
And you of nought but faith do stand in need.
In hand sin to reprove, whose sins are such
That of thy blasphemies, there cant too much
Be spoken, thou deniest, the Law was given
To be mans Rule, although the Lord from heaven
Girt in bright flames, with awfull Majesty
The while the Trumpet founded from on hie
Denounced Death, to him the same should break
And yet you dare with boldnesse for to speak
And to divulge, you from the Law are freed
And you of nought but faith do stand in need.
Again, you teach, averring impiously
Your sins are pardond, ere committed be
Why then it seems Christ Jesus, to no end
his heavenly pater noster did commend
To his Disciples, bidding them desire
Forgivenesse of their sins, as the just hire
Of their forgiving others, some there be
Of your sweet Sect, that do unanimously
Conclude there is no strict necessity
Of our receiving that holy mistery
Of our salvation (why are we tyed thus)
Say they to shaddows, when Christ dwells in us
Already, why on pictures must we feed
When we possesse the substance.
Your sins are pardond, ere committed be
Why then it seems Christ Jesus, to no end
his heavenly pater noster did commend
To his Disciples, bidding them desire
Forgivenesse of their sins, as the just hire
Of their forgiving others, some there be
Of your sweet Sect, that do unanimously
Conclude there is no strict necessity
Of our receiving that holy mistery
Of our salvation (why are we tyed thus)
Say they to shaddows, when Christ dwells in us
Already, why on pictures must we feed
When we possesse the substance.
Twere indeed
A greivous crime in me, for to confer
With one whose wayes, are so Irregular,
Untie those bonds, do chain thy soul and be
No more pertaker, of loves familie
And were it not, that I have hope thou maist
Converted be, ere thou of death do taste
I would discover thee,
And I but that
I would not people draw to wonder at
Thy self and me, I would unto thy wo
First bang thee soundly, and then let thee go.
The end of the third Sestyad.
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