University of Virginia Library




Caines, having kill'd their Abel, lay'd
Him underneath, whom they betray'd
And forc'd to death (Kinde Reader) know
Religion was his overthrow.
Lament, lament, this fatall losse,
England never had a Crosse
So great as this; Let every eye
Keep teares to weep his Elegie.
I may presume to say, a Tombe
Never had a richer wombe.
Goe not till your sorrows have
Offer'd teares unto his grave;
Faile not to spend some reall groanes,
Except your hearts are turn'd to stones.
Now methinkes his ashes cryes
Guiltlesse blood's a Sacrifice,
London lately lost her heart,
And is sick in every part,
Nothing could appease but blood,
Death took her King, and left a flood.