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[Grene growith ye holy so doth ye Iue.]

Grene growith ye holy so doth ye Iue.
thow wynter blastys blow neuer so hye
grene growth the holy.
Grene growth ye holy so doth the iuye.
thow wynter blastes blow neuer so hye.
grene grouth the holy.
Grene grouth ye holy so doth the Iue.
thow wynter blastys blow neuer so hye.
grene grouth the holy.
As the holy grouth grene.
and neuer chaungeth hew
So I am [—] euer hath bene
vnto my lady trew
grene growth &c.


A[s] the holy grouth grene:
with Iue all alone
when flowerys, can not be sene
and grene wode leuys be gone
vt supra.
Now vnto my lady
promyse to her I make
ffrome all other only
to her / I me be take
vt supra.
Adew myne owne lady.
Adew my specyall.
Who hath my hart trewly
he suere & euer shall
vt supra.