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The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ouidius Naso, In Englishe Verse

set out and translated by George Turberuile ... with Aulus Sabinus Aunsweres to certaine of the same

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The Argument of the fift Epistle, entituled Oenone to Paris.
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The Argument of the fift Epistle, entituled Oenone to Paris.

Kyng Priamus wife with childe,
and neare hir time, did dreame
That she was brought a bed with flash
and flaming fierie streame.
The doubtfull Sire demaundes
the Oracles aduise.
Which tolde that damage by the Babe
to Troie should arise.
The father gaue in charge
the childe should die the death:
The Dame deliuerde sought the meane
to saue hir Babe his breath.
A Hyard had the childe,
that growne to mans estate,
Of Oenon was enamoured,
and tooke hir to his Mate.
But when the Ladies stroue
for beautie, Paris gaue
His verdit on Dame Venus side:
that promisde he should haue
In token of good will,
a passing wench for hewe:
Meane while the Syre by secret signes
his sonne sir Paris knewe.


To Greece the gallant goes
and steales Atrides wife,
That was the cause of wailefull warre,
and roote of ranckling strife.
Which when Oenon knewe
(report had blazde it so)
Agreeude she made hir iust complaint:
and prayde him to forgo
The wrongfull Greekish rape,
and take hir to his Feere,
The wordes she wrote with painefull Pen,
began as you shall heere.