University of Virginia Library

The Answer of the Author.

Tis thou, not I, that singst so sweet a Song,
Where Mersie streames, whose waues are Siluer foūd,
Whose bankes are Gold, whilst he doth güde along
Into the swelling Trent his vtmost Bound.
You that in Loues Quire sing, heare him alone
Not me: my Song's vnpleasant, full of mone.
Heare him, who chaunts with such a pleasant Lay,
As he, Seas stormes, can (when he list) asswage;
Make stealing Time against his will to stay,
And calme the Windes, when most they seeme to rage:
Heare him; so vs (so heare him) tis a Grace,
Your Glorie to be husht, and giue him place.