[Chronicle of Fabyan] | ||
[Ryche of Goodes stronge in vertue/in triumphe clere shynynge]
Ryche of Goodes stronge in vertue/in triumphe clere shynynge
Kynge Clodoueus/this temple bylt of stone
Fader of comon prophete/cladde with honoure excellynge
Replenysshed with goddes loue despysed his olde foon
And his Pagan law/with the straunge fygures echoon
Purgyd with holy water/by Christes font borne newe
And holy Crisme enoynted/floured with vertue dewe.
Kynge Clodoueus/this temple bylt of stone
Fader of comon prophete/cladde with honoure excellynge
Replenysshed with goddes loue despysed his olde foon
And his Pagan law/with the straunge fygures echoon
Purgyd with holy water/by Christes font borne newe
And holy Crisme enoynted/floured with vertue dewe.
Example gyuynge/hym foloweth many a man
Forsakynge theyr Erroure/and theyr false goddes all
And by his techynge honoure/but one god than
Thus by his merytes/he excelled his parentall
And thoroughe his counsayll/made cytie and Castell thrall
He was a noble Duke/and therwith/of great myght
And in Fronte of Batayll/was euer the firste knyght.
Forsakynge theyr Erroure/and theyr false goddes all
And by his techynge honoure/but one god than
Thus by his merytes/he excelled his parentall
And thoroughe his counsayll/made cytie and Castell thrall
He was a noble Duke/and therwith/of great myght
And in Fronte of Batayll/was euer the firste knyght.
[Chronicle of Fabyan] | ||