University of Virginia Library


For who marketh better then hee,
The seuen turning flames of the Skie:
Or hath read more of the antique.
Hath greater knowledge in the tongues:
Or vnderstandes sooner the sownes,
Of the learner to loue Musique.
Or else who hath a fayrer grace,
In the Centauriane arte of Thrace,
Halfe-horse, halfe-man, and with lesse paine,
Dooth bring the Coorsser, indomtable,
To yeeld to the raynes of his bridle:
Uaulting, on the edge of a plaine.
And it pleases me to saye too,
(With a louange, I protest true)
That in England we cannot see,
Any thing lyke Deuer, but hee.
Onelie himselfe he must resemble,
Uertues so much in him assemble.