University of Virginia Library



Two summer streams were flowing
Bright in the morning sun;
And in their course, with gentle force,
They mingled into one.
Now flows the blended river
Beneath the western sky;
And manifold the hues of gold
Calm on its bosom lie.
So, friends beloved and honored,
Your stream of life has flowed;
And now may rest upon its breast
The golden peace of God!
Warm hearts are beating round you;
And in our fervent song,
Here do we pray, your closing day
May linger late and long;
That warmest benedictions
May soothe its latest stage,
And wreathe with flowers of summer hours
The snowy crown of age;


Till, clothed in wedding garments,
You stand before the throne
Whence cometh down the bridal crown,
And the sweet voice, “Well done!’

The opening stanza is not a literal quotation, but is in close imitation of Brainard's very beautiful Epithalamium, commencing,—

“I saw two clouds at morning.”