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What's life? the meteor's lurid glare,
That shoots athwart the sky—
We gaze—'tis gone, nor vestige there,
Nor gleam, can we espy—
'Tis transient as the morning dew;
'Tis fading as the rainbow's hue;
'Tis passing as the boreal light;
Just hails the day to sink in night.


What's life? a dream, delusion all,
The sport of passion's gale;
The morn's high hope e'er noon shall fall,
Its mirth be lost in wail—
It is a strife where vice prevails;
It is a field where woe assails;
Where ruin stalks his lordly round;
Where sorrow, sin, and sighs abound.
What's life? the favored boon of heaven,
Rich gift—no price can buy—
Swift mercy's mirror kindly given
To dress for courts on high—
It is a flame survives the sun;
It is eternity begun;
'Twill rise, expatiate, love, adore,
When earth shall fade, when time's no more.