University of Virginia Library


What is it that gives to the plainest face
The charm of the noblest beauty?
Not the thought of the duty of happiness,
But the happiness of duty!
This is life's lesson, children dear,
They are blest who learn it early,
For it brightens the darkest way with cheer
Though Fortune's face is surly.
There 's a certain narrow, quiet path
Of daily thinking and living,
Of little acts of sacrifice,
Of loving and forgiving,—
Of patience and obedience,
Of gentle speech and action,
Of choosing the right and leaving the wrong
With a sunny satisfaction,—


And if we never leave this path
For the thing the world calls pleasure,
There will come to meet us a heavenly joy
Beyond all power to measure.
For on this narrow, quiet way
God's angels move forever,
Waiting to crown with cheer divine
Our every high endeavor.
Yes, this is what lends to the lowliest face
The charm of the noblest beauty;
Not the thought of the duty of happiness,
But the happiness of duty!