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VIII. Sinful Immortality worse than Non-Existence.


Thou only Holy! To Thy Name
'Tis fit eternal Praise be given,
By all the Things Thy Hands did frame,
Thro' the wide Earth, and wider Heav'n.


Being itself becomes a Curse,
When not employ'd, Great God! for Thee:
And Life estrang'd from Thee is worse
Ten thousand Times than not to Be.


Better to Non-Existence sink,
Or turn to elemental Clay,
Than sleep and laugh, and eat and drink
My precious Hours in vain away.


Were there no Ground to hope and plead
Thy Grace may form my Soul a new,
How should I wish to be unmade,
And drop to Nothing from Thy View!


For Oh! the dire Disease of Sin
Has canker'd all my active Pow'rs;
Corrodes my languid Soul within,
And all her vital Strength devours.


The Vigour of my Soul is spent
On low Pursuits and empty Joys:
But ah! how feeble, cold and faint,
When to my God I try to rise!


Sin chills Devotion's sacred Fire,
Makes Wisdom's Path a tiresome Road;
Cumbers the Pinions of Desire,
That flutter to ascend to God.



If, contemplative, I retire
With Things eternal to converse;
My Heart, that restless Wanderer,
Rambles thro' the wide Universe.


Or if before Thy Gracious Throne,
I humbly bend the suppliant Knee,
Languors oppress my Spirit down,
I cannot, cannot rise to Thee!


And when in some celestial Song,
I pay my Homage to Thy Name;
The Anthem dies upon my Tongue;
Nor feels my Breast the heav'nly Flame.


So when I view the sacred Page,
Where Love and Light united shine,
Cold Criticisms my Thoughts engage,
Quite blind to Beauties more Divine.


Almighty God! With pitying Eye,
Behold these useless Faculties!
Restore Thy fallen Progeny,
That deep immers'd in Ruin lies.


Say, shall my Being still be vain!
Oh! shall I never serve my God!
Then Life itself's a tedious Pain;
And gladly I'd lay down the Load.


Oh! shall my Immortality
Be spent t' offend Thy dearest Name!
No! Rather let me cease to Be,
And sink to Nothing whence I came.


But if Thy Grace renew my Soul,
'Twill be my Privilege to Be;


And while eternal Ages roll,
Joyful I'll live and act for Thee.


When Nature dies, and Day and Night
Measure the Flux of Time no more,
In brighter Worlds, with long Delight,
The Hands that made me I'll adore.