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“Truly, Miss Percival, you puzzle me,”
Said Charles, upon her silent revery
Breaking abruptly in: “ay, you could fire
And wound the villain bearing off the child,
And you can brave the radical extreme
On this great woman question of the day,—
Yet do you seem a very woman still,
And not at all like any man I know,—
Not even like an undeveloped man!
And I'm not greatly exercised by fear,
Leaning here by your side thus lazily.”
“Don't mock me now,” said Linda; “I'm not armed;


Be generous, therefore, in your raillery.”
“Not armed? Then will I venture to propose
That when the tide is low this afternoon
We try the beach on horseback. Will you venture?”
The joy that sparkled in her eyes said “Yes”
Before her tongue could duplicate assent.
Said Charles, “I'll bring the horses round at six.”
“I will be ready, Mr. Lothian.”