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The attribution of this poem is uncertain.

Dedicated to the Admirers of Italian Opera.
Parthanissa 's beauty blooming,
All my ravish'd mind inspires
Smiling feature, eyes consuming
Melt my heart with amorous fires.
Oft beneath the moon-shine walking,
Parthanissa's name I've sung;
Babling echo's round me talking,
Answ'ring softly to my tongue.
Flow'ry meadows, forests floating,
You have heard my gliding strains;
Midnight owls forgot their hooting,
When I warbled o'er the plains.
Bubling fountains gently rilling,
Branches bending, purling streams,
Whisp'ring breezes sweetly smelling,
Hush my soul in lulling dreams.
Come then, Parthanissa charming,
With your smoothly-swimming air:
Parthanissa my breast warming,
Come, my Parthanissa fair.


Tripping artful, easy moving,
Sweep the surface of the green.
Take a heart so tender, loving,
Ever-beauteous little queen.