University of Virginia Library



Rest, oh rest in peaceful slumber!
'Neath the sod and mouldring clay;
Thou art with death's chosen people;
In his charge you 've passed away
Three score ten, and more thy summers,
Thou hast labored not in vain;
Thou hast wrought the task assigned thee;
“Sow, and thou shalt reap again.”
And thy spirit crossed the river,
When the even sun was low;
When old Jordan's tide was calmest;
And the storm-winds cease to blow.
In that harbor, safely landed,
On the shore of Beulah Land,
White-robed angels all around thee,
Reaching for the pilgrim's hand,


While the harp rings out with anthems,
And the choir, a mighty throng,
Joins in unison, the music,
As they sing a blissful song.
And the Saviour comes to greet thee,
And His son He proudly own;
Saying “Well done faithful servant,
Welcome to my Father's throne.”
So we'll bid each friend and kindred,
Dry their weeping, tearful, eyes;
And rejoice that he 's in heaven,
In that Land beyond the skies.
Should our lives be three score summers,
May we leave a name like this;
Then, we'll wear a cown, in Glory,
In the land of Heavenly Bliss.