University of Virginia Library



Queen of my heart, of thee I am thinking;
Thinking, of thee through life's dreary dream;
Bright in my thoughts as the stars that are twinkling,
Shines thy fair image so calm and serene.
All day I have roamed through wood-land and meadow,
Seeking the beauty of nature's sweet flowers;
In the calm noon tide, reposed in the shadow
But ne'er found such beauty, among the green bowers.
Queen of my heart, for thee I am longing;
Longing to view thy beauty and grace;
Rare is thy beauty, to thee e'er belonging;
Sweet are the smiles on thy dear, winsome, face.


Love is divine; with love I adore thee;
Fair, sable damsel, to thee I'll be true;
As thy companion, for e'er I'd be happy;
Thou gem of my casket that sparkles like dew.