University of Virginia Library

Happy Day

Kudos go out to Father William Stickle
and his "May Day Tribe" for making last
Saturday a "Happy Day" for thousands of
University students and Charlottesville

The array of plastic bubbles was a brilliant
addition to the entertainment provided. The
"mother" bubbles functioned as shelter, toys
to rock in, and screens to project films and
light shows on. As often proves true, however,
the most simple activities seemed to be the
most fun; a mammoth game of "Duck Duck
Goose" captured the attention of many
participants. "Dunk Your President" can also
be fun when the president is as good natured
as Mr. Shannon.

Although it would seem that no one would
dream of hindering such an occasion there
were times when the event's sponsors must
have felt as if they had threatened to blow up
the Rotunda instead of provide free fun. They
were begged by the "Garden Week in
Virginia" group and the University
Arboretum Committee to move the event
from its scheduled site on the Lawn, since it
was feared that the Lawn's unblemished
sterility might be disrupted by the festivities.
The sponsors were truly determined to make
everybody happy so they agreed to change
the location.

Spontaneity was the by-word for the day,
but months of planning had gone into the
creation of the event, with people from a
wide spectrum of concerns contributing their
time and talents. This was the most
commendable and the happiest part of the
entire project, people setting aside serious
concerns and self-interest for a time to work
together to make others happy. To the May
Day Tribe we say thank you and encore.