University of Virginia Library

Myth Cited

Speaking to an audience of about one
hundred people in the Chemistry auditorium,
Mrs. Koontz, director of the Labot
Department's Women's Bureau, cited prejudice
and the existence of "myth" about minority
groups as the main factors in the inequality of
blacks and women. "These prejudices exist at
home, in business and in virtually all walks of
life. When people in minority groups are not
recognized for the qualities they have, they
have the right to rebel." Mrs. Koontz stated.

Mrs. Koontz's lecture dealt with how
prejudices and "myths" develop in both family
life and in business. "From the very beginning a
boy," she said, black or white, is taught that he
is superior to girls. In the same manner a girl is
trained to be meek and to do what she is told.
A boy is forced to play football while a girl
must play with her cookstove. Children are
taught to respect the artificial symbols
surrounding each sex."