University of Virginia Library

Prohibitive Rulings

This requirement, above and beyond normal
requirements, has in the past prevented many
otherwise-qualified students from registering. It
is presently being challenged in court by two
University students but a ruling will not be
forthcoming before October 3.

However, registration workers have stated
that this requirement need not be an obstacle
to registration. They fell that any student with
a minimum of imagination can in good
conscience sign the affidavit.

In the city, requirements are not quite so
rough, but students desiring to register should
make sure they have all possible proof available
to show that they meet the requirements.

To register, a city voter must apply at the
office of the Assistant Registrar at City Hall,
Room 104. He can be reached at 293-5988, and
his hours are 8 a.m. to noon and 2 to 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. On Saturday, October
3, his office will also be open these hours.