University of Virginia Library


He contended that the court "could not
properly dispose of the matter without the SAC
in the case," since the objection stemmed from
the SAC's definition of "politically-oriented."
He also said that the plaintiffs did not exhaust
the administrative remedies for preventing the
allocation, and that the students could have
sued for the appropriated funds if they felt it
was misappropriated, rather than petitioning for
an injunction.

In addition, the petition stated the "irreparable
harm" had been received, but, Mr. Lowe
contended, the damage had not been specified.

Mr. Lowe said that because SDS has since
revised its constitution, because the money is
no longer needed by the organization for the
original purchases, and because the Council has
elected new representatives in the interim, the
issue is clouded. He said that he feels the
Council had a "strong case," but, if the matter
was resolved in court with these conditions, "It
could set a bad precedent."

The real question, Mr. Lowe said, is "which
organizations are politically-oriented," in addition
to the issue of the distribution procedures
for student funds. There is an important issue,
he said, because "in a state university, if funds
are distributed, they must be distributed on a
non-discriminatory basis."