The Cavalier daily Friday, October 17, 1969 | ||
Reasons for Party
Joel Gardner, newly-elected President of the
Jefferson Party, stated the reasons for the study
group's decision to form a new party. "We saw
that the caucuses were not fulfilling a realistic
political function. They were only representing
a select number of people around the Grounds
and were not electing their candidates on a
regular basis.
"Due to the imminent demise of the
caucuses," continued Mr. Gardner, "we felt
that a new party was needed to represent the
college students that had gone to the caucuses
and those disenfranchised students such as the
first-year men and the independent students
living off-grounds."
Mr. Gardner felt that "no student political
party now has a democratic way of nominating
candidates. The caucuses only represent fraternities,
and the Virginia Progressive Party
nominated their candidates last year in a smoke
filled room. We intend to do things differently."
The Cavalier daily Friday, October 17, 1969 | ||